Business end-user engagement: first steps in Italy
by CMCC Foundation and RFF-CMCC EIEE
The key emerging mitigation and adaptation options can be used by local businesses to overcome the challenges of a transition to net-zero. This is quite challenging and not an easy path to follow without the right knowledge, instruments, and objectives.
The main objective of this part of the LOCALISED project is to provide end-user solutions for regional businesses and investors in line with European and national decarbonisation pathways. We provide different technological options and low-carbon business models for the EU businesses to achieve the regional decarbonisation goals.
There are several technical and non-technical barriers to the adoption of emerging mitigation technologies including high upfront costs, employment risks, and other uncertainties.
A fundamental role of CMCC is to liaise with regional players to identify their vulnerability and the vulnerability of their operations to climate change and consequent changes in supply chain, market demand, and environmental regulation.
This will be achieved through effective dialogue among the regional businesses and other stakeholders to promote knowledge sharing and to provide guidance for investment in retrofitting existing infrastructure, adopting new technologies, and implementing effective adaptation solutions.
To this end, CMCC has partnered with Assolombarda, a large business association with 6,818 member companies in northern Italy. The mission of Assolombarda is to protect and represent the enterprises’ interests by providing technical assistance, advice and a practical handbook on different management and strategy aspects.
The first joint meeting between CMCC and Assolombarda took place on 1st February 2022 where the risks and the expected impacts of climate change on industries in the Lombardy region were discussed and a plan for further engagement of interested members companies in LOCALISED research was laid out.
This dialogue will continue during the entire duration of the project with both national and European industry representatives including those industries represented by Assolombarda as well as other interested parties such as potential investors and entrepreneurs.
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