Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Municipal Climate Partnerships initiative has the objective to strengthen cooperation between German municipalities and municipalities in the global South in the fields of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
For the kick-off workshop of the 9th project round in the city of Essen (Germany), Luis Costa from the Potsdam Institute for Climpate Impact Research (PIK) was invited to give a keynote lecture on the current challenges and possible solutions to climate change, with special attention to the local and regional level. During the talk and discussion it was highlighted the need to make explicit the decarbonization challenges at regional and city level that come implicit in national decarbonizations plans. This ties-in perfectly with the objectives of the LOCALISED project of converting the outcome of national decarbonization plans into usable data at regional and municipal level via downscaling.
A further aspect emerging from the discussion was the need to have a more holistic view on what type of effects – beyond GHG emissions – particular mitigation options entails for the habitants of a region or municipality. A case in point was the need to balance the distributional effects of the needs for aggressive energy renovation of buildings in economically disadvantgoues groups.

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