The first phase of the stakeholder mapping has been completed: all LOCALISED partners have been involved in identifying the most relevant stakeholders to be engaged in the first phase of the project. Up to now, the focus was mainly on the interactions with the “wise” group, i.e., people whose expertise in local decarbonisation procedures and adaptation plans is extremely helpful to co-design the tools.
The identification of relevant stakeholders followed a precise methodology, starting with developing the stakeholder mapping matrix. This matrix collects all the necessary information about the selected stakeholder, including: name, contact details, title/position in the institution, gender, and variables related to her/his company (e.g. organisation name, country, activity type, sector of expertise, and geographic coverage). The process of mapping started with a desktop research in which all LOCALISED partners were asked to add all relevant stakeholders, and it was extended through snowball sampling activities.
A first analysis of the composition of the “wise” group was performed by T6 Ecosystems and the results highlighted the need to enlarge the sample in terms of sector of expertise, activity type, geographic coverage, and to reach a gender balance. Then, bilateral discussions with WPs Leaders who are engaging stakeholders from the “wise” group took place to determine specific persons or categories to include in the mapping. As a result, a further in-depth analysis was done in correspondence with specific WPs, which led to the actual composition of the “wise” group (74 members) that was satisfactory for all the partners. Indeed, stakeholders from 14 different countries were identified, revealing a heterogeneous composition, while others come from European or global institutions. Most of them operate at the supra-national level (57.6%), but there are also organisations with national (19.7%), regional (6%), and municipal coverage (16.7%). There is equilibrium also regarding the distribution over activity types, i.e., academic organisations (21.9%), private companies (17.8%), and public institutions (26%) are all relevant, and there is also a smaller portion of members from the civil society (9.6%). In the end, gender balance was almost reached among the “wise” group (56.4% are male and 43.6% are female).
More information is available in the “Initial insights from stakeholder interaction following the LOCALISED methodology” (D8.4)
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