We have published published a report (LOCALISED Deliverable 5.1) that introduce a detailed definition of the SGD Oriented Indicators linked to Sustainable Energy and Climate Actions Plans (SECAPs) both for public dissemination and as inputs to other related tasks of the projects.
Specifically, The reports contains 234 indicators connecting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Actions Plans (SECAPs), being two main instruments at regional and local level to implement mitigation, adaptation and energy poverty actions. In a context where SDGs and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Actions Plans (SECAPs) are currently not aligned, the aim of the proposed indicators is to facilitate not only the optimization of resources, but also the smart implementation of actions and the benchmarking between regions and cities.
The report includes an extensive bibliographic review of local and regional SDGs adapted frameworks, and two complementary processes to gather relevant feedback from experts.
Since indicators are needed for several parts of the process, they need to be defined in an early project stage to understand the input data needed, the calculations required, and the output data provided. To take into consideration all these aspects, different steps were conducted to gather, filter and evaluate the list of indicators.
The 234 indicators presented outline the diversity of goals and targets that can be influenced by local actions plans and the multiple interactions between SDGs targets and SECAPs pillars.

For any further information, you can contact:
Soledad Ibañez (nsoledad@irec.cat)
Jordi Pascual (jpascual@irec.cat)
Enric Mont (emont@irec.cat)
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