Photo: Installation of components of the exhaust gas treatment system onto the support structure.
Image source: https://portczystejenergii.prowly.com/presskits/aktualizowane-zdjecia-z-budowy/7/page
The thermal processing plant for municipal trash in Gdansk – our local partner – is the final hub of the municipal trash management system with a metropolitan impact, as it will receive waste from three municipal facilities covering about 40 communities. The thermal processing of solid and thermal trash contributes to the generation of electricity and heat, reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, and, thanks to BAT (Best Available Techniques), minimizes the negative impact on the environment and reduces emissions of harmful substances and maximizes the potential of non-recyclable waste. The plant is expected to be commissioned at the end of the first quarter of 2024.
The parameters of the Clean Energy Port are impressive. The nominal capacity of the boiler is 62.7 MW, and the installed electric and thermal capacities are 16 MWe and 44 MWt, respectively. The facility will produce 109 GWh of electricity annually, which is a significant contribution to local demand. Working in cogeneration, annual heat production will be 509 TJ which will meet the needs of 30,000 households during the heating season. The combustion temperature will oscillate between 850-1050°C, and the daily throughput will be 495 tons. These figures confirm the plant’s importance for the sustainable development of the city and the region.
Investment is also, or even primarily, being made in the education of the public. These activities are aimed at preventing waste, minimizing waste and preparing waste for reuse, which is a key element of a responsible approach to waste management and will contribute to reducing society’s negative impact on the environment.

Photo: Port of Clean Energy in Gdansk.
Image source: https://portczystejenergii.prowly.com/presskits/aktualizowane-zdjecia-z-budowy

Photo: Port of Clean Energy in Gdansk.
Image source: https://portczystejenergii.prowly.com/presskits/aktualizowane-zdjecia-z-budowy
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