Decarbonisation pathways for local authorities, citizen and businesses
What kind of tools and practices do city and regional administrations need to make urban resilience a reality?
Join us at the EURESFO for an highly-interactive workshop, where we will tackle the specific challenges of small and mid-sized cities & regions in setting-up climate action plans.
IREC Leads International Consortium to Develop Digital Twins for Climate-Neutral Cities
Over the next 2 ½ years, IREC will work on this ambitious project designed to foster the active regeneration of urban areas in Linz (Austria), Civitavecchia-Rome (Italy) and Bærum (Norway).
Accelerating a resilient future: LOCALISED at the EURESFO 2024 in EU Green Capital Valencia
The project is organising an highly-interactive workshop to tackle the specific challenges of small and mid-sized cities & regions in setting-up climate action plans.
Transferring Decarbonisation Lessons: The Case of The UK Port of Shoreham
To exchange expertise and better understand the strengths and weaknesses of local decarbonization plans in the UK, which can be applicable to the EU’s localised decarbonization plans, on April 23, 2024, CMCC team from LOCALISED consortium hosted a...
Webinar: Shoreham Port Industrial Cluster Decarbonisation Plans
On the 23rd of April, our LOCALISED partner CMCC is organising a compelling webinar titled "Shoreham Port’s Decarbonisation Plan: Orchestrating Complexity for Mission-Driven Innovation and Technological Integration", featuring esteemed speaker Kyle...
What kind of tool do cities and regions need to make urban resilience a reality?
The consortium partner Climate Media Factory (CMF) is developing the »LOCALISED Climate Action Strategiser«.
Strategic partnership and contribution at the Climate Congress of Poland
The Polish partner of LOCALISED, the IMP PAN was a strategic partner of the Climate Congress of Poland, which took place on 19-20th March 2024 in Warsaw, Poland.
LOCALISED is Co-organizing the European Urban Resilience Forum 2024 (#EURESFO)
This year, the LOCALISED project is co-organising the event giving a particular contribution in regard to multilevel governance, cooperation, and the imperative of a just transition.
Consultation meetings IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities
LOCALISED took part in the consultation meeting KIN and will be joining the UCCRN webinar and the IPCC pre-scoping webinar.
Risk assessment of the power systems, same circumstances to analyses, but different perspectives
Projects are necessary to analyze the different aspects involved in climate change phenomena and aid us in strengthening the resilience of the power system.