Decarbonisation pathways for local authorities, citizen and businesses
ÖGUT’s public on-site renovation consultations
The LOCALISED partner ÖGUT is launhing public on-site renovation consultations with community leaders and interested citizens.
For the LOCALISED project, Climate Media Factory and the University of Twente presented insights into some of their current work.
While Gerard brought a poster about the adaptation measures database which the Decarbonisation Profiler will be built upon, Tobias gave a talk about the emergence and design of narratives for local and participatory climate politics.
LOCALISED partners met in Gdansk: maximizing the power of collaboration and efficiency
On the 15th and 16th of June, the LOCALISED consortium met in Gdansk for a project partner meeting to present on-going activities, discuss features and the co-design process for the Decarbonisation Profiler and Net-Zero business consultant tools and chart the course for the future of the project.
Two LOCALSED partners will participate in the European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) Conference
Two LOCALSED partners will participate in the conference and disseminate the work developed within the project.
A Soft Introduction to the LOCALISED Data-sharing Platform
A major part of the work carried out within LOCALISED involves spatial disaggregation of country-level decarbonisation trajectories to a regional level.
Initial insights from stakeholder interaction: LOCALISED identified the most relevant stakeholders to engage in the project
All LOCALISED partners have been involved in identifying the most relevant stakeholders to be engaged in the first phase of the project.
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP): A valuable bottom-up reporting initiative for understanding the implementation of climate actions
Reporting initiatives like the Carbon Disclosure Project database are highly relevant in understanding the implementation status of climate actions throughout Europe.
Data driven service platform to evaluate urban areas and their potential for building stock decarbonization
Political awareness is finally recognizing the significance of building renovation in Mediterranean areas as climate change stretches energy vulnerable households. Nevertheless, without entitling the intermediate sections of decision making with...
Air pollution in the city down by more than 30%
Measures introduced in Barcelona City - LOCALISED partner - since 2015 to boost sustainable mobility and cut the number of vehicles generating emissions have led to better air quality and a 31% reduction in air pollution. The growth of the bike...
The role of emerging carbon removal solutions in the future of the EU’s climate policy and energy security
The LOCALISED partner, CMCC has published a paper in the journal of Frontiers in Chemical Engineering where it has developed a game theoretical framework to analyse and understand the interaction among the key players in the EU’s climate and energy...