Decarbonisation pathways for local authorities, citizen and businesses
Project reports
LOCALISED is producing various reports referring to all of the goals and achievements that are realised within the scope of the project. These documents provide crucial information, details and outputs related to specific LOCALISED objectives and actions.
Data and Methods
Definition of Application Programming Interface (Deliverable 4.2)
This report outlines the first version of the proposed Application Programming Interface (API) definition for the Modular Integrated Decarbonisation and Adaptation Solver (MIDAS) model Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) API in the LOCALISED project. Released in September 2023.
Database with all the relevant data for the year 2020 (Deliverable 3.3)
This report aims to collect datasets and assess their relevance and usefulness for the project. The database described in this deliverable build on internal feedback on a confidential deliverable which focussed on data from 3 EU countries to examine the data sources, the data availability and quality as well as the data collection process. Released in September 2023.
Climate change database and other spatial data (Deliverable 2.5)
This report provides a database of climate and remote sensing data for all of the 27 EU countries. The purpose is to assess potential issues with the data gathering and data processing and to establish a uniform workflow and a unified data representation. Released in September 2023.
Library of model outputs at MS and EU level (Deliverable 2.3)
This report provides the library of model outputs of decarbonization pathways at European Union (EU) and Member State level (MS) to the LOCALISED consortium.. Released in September 2023.
Documentation of decarbonisation scenarios for usage in the project (Deliverable 2.1)
This report details how the EUCalc model is used to reproduce the demand, energy supply and GHG emissions disclaimed in national decarbonization pathways. A total of three national decarbonization plans are reproduced for the countries of Portugal, France and Germany as an example. Released in June 2022.
Mitigation and Adaptation Indicators (Deliverable 2.6)
This report presents a first version of indicators which are appropriate and practicable to downscale national decarbonisation trajectories to local level in order to speed up the uptake of mitigation and adaptation actions. Released in September 2022.
LOCALISED Role and members of the Advisory Board (Deliverable 1.3)
This Deliverable explains the planned role and function of Advisory Board members in the project framework. It will work as Terms of Reference (especially Section 2.4) for our board members and will hopefully help them identifying their
role within the LOCALISED project as well as answering practical questions related to the membership. Released in June 2022.
LOCALISED Data Management Plan - first version (Deliverable 1.1)
This report asseses the types and nature of data to be collected and/or generated during the LOCALISED project, as well as details of strategies to make data compliant with FAIR principles. It also introduces suggestions of appropriate licensing schemes for data and software, separately, together with planned repositories to safeguard data legacy. Released in February 2022.
User-oriented approaches
Report on business models (Deliverable 7.3)
An Excel tool ( has been developed to assist companies in analysing their current business models. The tool aims to help businesses visualise potential improvements, explore compatible pathways for decarbonisation, and identify barriers. This report serves as a user guide, describing the context, the tool’s capabilities, and the project outcomes integrated into it. Nevertheless, a test will be conducted with a limited number of companies during the following months to check its validity. Based on their feedback and the lessons learned from this process, a second version of the tool will be presented by the end of 2024.
Report on economic assessment of emerging technologies (Deliverable 7.2)
In addition to the technoeconomic assessment of decarbonization technologies, this report also provides concrete examples of their applications by reviewing 18 examples in 3 manufacturing subsectors (steel, cement, and chemical) from 6 countries represented by the LOCALISED team (Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain), showcasing the progress among the EU industries towards adopting decarbonization technologies. Together with 4 technology-specific examples and 2 indepth case studies, these examples provide a benchmark for interested end-user businesses to learn more about the availability and applicability of emerging decarbonization technologies in their sector and among their peers in each country.
Report on vulnerability of EU economic sectors and businesses at NUTS-2 level (Deliverable 7.1)
The theoretical framework of this study expands the concept of business vulnerability to include the risks associated with decarbonisation efforts. Traditionally, vulnerability assessments have only focused on the direct impacts of climate change on businesses, such as physical damages from extreme weather events. However, this research broadens the concept of climate change risks to include the risk from decarbonisation efforts and pathways, particularly at the regional and sectoral levels. By integrating vulnerability and exposure, the framework provides a comprehensive assessment of the risks that businesses face in transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
Report on semi-automated methodology to monitor, check and maintain the service (Deliverable 5.5)
The primary goal of this document is to provide guidelines for integrating effective monitoring of the adaptation and mitigation measures by Climate Action Strategiser developers. The developments are also strongly connected with the activity which is
responsible for providing data to the calculation engine and the variables that will be used for monitoring. The deliverable is an internal confidential report meant to be used internally. It does not feature a scientific outreach.
Report on buildings and energy strategies linked to renovation wave policies and climate change mitigation initiatives (Deliverable 5.4)
Deliverable 5.4 conducts a comprehensive review of 112 national and regional renovation wave programmes in six selected countries (Italy, Spain, Poland, Germany, Austria, and Belgium) to uncover the main linkage between these policies and climate change mitigation initiatives as well as relevant SDGs and SECAP KPIs.
Report on SDGs Oriented Indicators for SECAPs definition and assessment (Deliverable 5.1)
This report presents 93 indicators connecting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Actions Plans (SECAPs), being two main instruments at regional and local level to implement mitigation, adaptation and energy poverty actions. As SDGs and SECAPs are currently not aligned, the aim of the proposed indicators is to facilitate not only the optimization of resources, but also the smart implementation of actions and the benchmarking between regions and cities.
Report on key approaches of low carbon lifestyle changes (Deliverable 6.1)
This report explores key approaches of low-carbon lifestyles for European citizens. It s intended for civil servants, policy advisors, and researchers seeking to develop equitable climate policies for citizens. In particular, it aims to enhance the information available to local administrators and decision makers regarding the realistic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions can be achieved through behavioral changes towards low-carbon lifestyles among various groups of citizens, especially those most severely affected by climate.
Stakeholder engagement, communication and dissemination
LOCALISED stakeholder interaction methodology and schedule (Deliverable 8.1)
Initial insight from stakeholder interaction following the LOCALISED methodology (Deliverable 8.4)
One integral part of LOCALISED is the systematic interaction with different stakeholders to understand the questions and needs of the end users of the project’s results and services. This deliverable reports on how the stakeholder interaction methodology (established and introduced in LOCALISED Deliverable 8.1) has been implemented in the first 18 months of the project and discusses the initial insights from this first interaction phase.
LOCALISED dissemination and communication strategy (Deliverable 9.1)
This document is intended to be the strategic and operative guide for all LOCALISED partners in regard to the communication and dissemination of project activities, results and outputs. Its aim is to provide the project team with targeted information in order to coordinate, align and efficiently implement outreach activities. Released in March 2022.
Gender, diversity, quality and impact
Quality review process and impact assessment plan (Deliverable 1.4)
Guidelines on gender and diversity monitoring and within multidisciplinary teams (Deliverable 1.5)
The report is intended to be a guiding blueprint for the LOCALISED project (and beyond) for the implementation and monitoring of gender mainstreaming, inclusivety, and diversity within a research project. It aims to close the gap between the gender mainstreaming and diversity policies and their implementation, execution, and assessment. Released in April 2022.